Tuesday 19 November 2013

Questions For Discussion On Personal Coursework Blog

1. TRAILERS - What have you learned about the structure and content of television drama trailers from studying examples? What technical features are used? How do genre and narrative features appeal to audiences? How are elements of mise-en-scene used?

From studying television drama trailers I have learned that they are usually paced in the same way as the drama itself. For example, if the drama is fast paced the trailer will be quick and explosive whilst vice versa for one that is quite slow and has a more serious mood. Trailers usually show scenes that would show conventional features of the genre so that members of its core audience will identify the genre and be more likely to attract themn as viewers. Mise-en-scene in trailers is usually heavy on colours, lighting and camera angles. You can usually pick up on dominant colours quite easily in trailers, such as in Utopia where the colours are all blue and yellow.

2.PRESS RELEASES - What have you learned about the structure and content of press releases from studying examples? What features of the television drama do they feature and promote?

The aim of press releases is to attract favorable attention to the television drama. A press release provides reporters with the basics needed to make a story. Press releases usually promote a range of features, such as scheduled events, awards, accomplishments, etc.

3. TELEVISION CHANNELS - What have you learned about the remit and target audience of your chosen television channel? What type of programmes are they meant to produce and who for?

My chosen television channel is ITV because it targets both young and older audiences, it has also had similar programmes to mine aired before, such as Whitechapel which debuted at 8.13 million views overnight.

4. GENRE - What have you learned from your research about some of the typical features of your chosen genre? Consider setting, character, narrative and audience appeal.

The typical features of my chosen genre are:
-Being set in a large city, the kind where serial killers usually operate.
-Protagonists are usually very righteous and just whilst the antagonists are sometimes deranged or have a mental health issue.
-The narrative is usually fast paced when the protagonist is chasing a lead but slow paced when they are trying to solve the enigmas.
-Audiences are usually attracted to the enigma solving aspect of Crime Dramas.

Friday 15 November 2013

Trailers of similar Genre to my coursework.

Two trailers similar to my coursework idea would be:

The Whitechapel Series 4 Trailer

Luther Series 3 Trailer