Wednesday 29 January 2014

Blog Entry 5 - Intended Target Audience.

My Drama will be aired on ITV. This is because ITV is home to some of the most diverse and innovative content, featuring a mix of entertainment, movies, music, comedy and drama. The channel has a strong presence online where viewers catch up and also on social media networks with almost half a million followers on Twitter. ITV reaches 36% of individuals and 62% of 16 - 34 year olds each month.

It is for this reason that my intended target audience would be 16 - 34 year olds as I believe they would be the most likely to continuously watch and enjoy my Drama. The individuals in this age group are also old enough to be able to understand and enjoy the graphical content of the Drama, which would most likely take place after the watershed. Fans of the Crime and Horror genres are more likely to watch my Drama as it features conventions of these Genres. My Drama may be gender weighted towards Males, although there is a growing population of Females who watch crime dramas so it could be balanced more evenly between both genders.

The main psychographic profile of my intended target audience would be the Struggler group as they value violent, physical escapism as my Drama features a lot of violence and bloodshed. It also gives them a chance to become the detective and try to work out the enigmas.



Wednesday 15 January 2014

"Blog Entry 4"

In my Press Release I included some conventional features such as a title, a cast list and the conent was minimal but interesting to help gain initial hype. I even went as far to add "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE" in the top left corner and "###" at the end to make it seem realistic. The mode of address in my press release is formal and aimed at the audience, I also used emotive language to spice up my press release and make it seem more exciting to build more initial hype.

The conventional features in my trailer storyboard were different types of camera shots such as canted angle and establishing shots, which are quite typical of the Crime Drama genre. Another conventional feature would be that the trailer has a soundtrack and that it includes only the main characters and some of the most interesting parts which would create appeal to the audience.

The editing featured in the trailer storyboard would take the form of the transitions between shots which are a mix of jump cuts and fade outs, I think both of these techniques work well, especially in time with the music.

The narrative reveal is almost non-existant which helps maintain the enigma and keep the audience interested. My target audience is those 16 and above, it will also be aimed to a more mature audience much like other programmes of the same genre like Whitechapel and Luther, another good example being Broadchurch.